What about GIT ?

Alice Mbui
2 min readJan 3, 2021

Recently I have had the opportunity to explore with Git and getting into the space to share with a fellow self starter is something I would not want to hesitate.

So, What About GIT?

GIT Is a version control system which translates that a user can have several versions of their project where they can modify changes made overtime. The vantage of this is the fact that user can backtrack changes should the need arise. It is generally used for source code management in software development.

Some of The features of GIT that I have been able to work with include;

1. Regardless of what operating system you are using, Git remains compatible with all operating systems

2. Git is lightweight since it stores all the data from the central repository on to the local repository while cloning is being done and what is amazing is the fact that it could have several users working on the same project.

3. Git is efficient when It comes to fetching of data from the local repository. The fetching power is about 100 times faster than what is possible with remote servers.

4. Git is a free and open source tool designed to handle various projects with speed providing the flexibility to modify its source code according to the needed of the user. Git provides space, accuracy and code privacy for free,

5. Git keeps a record of the commits done by collaborators where a log file is maintained and pushed to central repository. To store the records Git uses SHA1 to store the records in the form of hash objects thus using hash keys.

In conclusion Git provides remarkable features that ensures the commit History can be seen, tracks changes and graphs out the contributions made by members of a project thus emailing notifications of the same.



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